Why You Need a Regular Yoga Nidra Practice

The ancient art of Yoga Nidra is known and practiced for it's supreme ability to reach the deeper layers of consciousness, where we can access sublime rest + receptivity.

During this deeply traditional practice you will be guided through the subtle layers of the body + mind into a heavenly dreamless sleep. Where the body sleeps, the mind sleeps, yet awareness remains.

Offering you a healing pause in the busyness of life.

Some of our favourite reasons why this practice is vital to your health + wellbeing include:

꩜ Yoga Nidra brings you in touch with your internal self through a state of deep relaxation.

This connection with your deeper conscious self allows you to process + heal at the roots negative feelings + behaviours.

꩜ From this relaxed state your thoughts become more clear + focused, improving your concentration, memory, decision making + cognitive function.

꩜ Practicing Yoga Nidra for just one hour has the same positive effects on your body as 4 hours of sleep.

꩜ Yoga Nidra eases the physical effects of stress on your body. Including positive influence on your energy, metabolism, blood pressure, inflammation + menstrual irregularities.

Because you deserve to feel good.

A woman floating in the water down deep above the sand.

What You Need to Ask Yourself Pre + Post Yoga Practice


When in Doubt ~ Twist