What You Need to Ask Yourself Pre + Post Yoga Practice

Taking the time to reflect on your how your feeling before + after your Yoga practice allows you to fully connect with the effects the practice has on you mentally, emotionally + physically.

Allowing you to learn which postures to turn to when you need them most.

Reflecting during your practice keeps you present in your experience deepening your practice + transmission of energy from the movements.

two people laying in Childs pose on coloured yoga mats with the reflection questions for pre and post yoga practice. 1. How am I feeling physically right now? 2. How am I feeling emotionally right now? What are my thoughts like write now?
Two people laying in Childs pose on colourful yoga mats. Text over image with during your practice reflection questions. 1. Am I feeling this? 2. Am I here? 3. What do my eyelids feel like right now? 4. Do I want to do this posture? 5. Am I steady?

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