Reflections for the end of the month

At the end of the month its important to pause, reflect, celebrate what you did well, acknowledge what you would like to do differently + consciously create the month ahead.

Grab your journal, find a quite place +ask yourself:

What routines + rituals should you start + which ones should you stop?

What have you been avoiding that will feel so much better once complete?

What will make you feel whole + complete?

What’s working for me?

What’s not working for me?

What do I want more of?

What do I want less of?

What has challenged me?

What has inspired me? 
What energy do I want to embody this month?

What is inspiring me forward now?

How can I step more into my power?

How can I experience more joy?

How can I live in my flow?

What do I need to feel fulfilled this month? 

Where can I soften with / into myself? 

Where do I need to be firmer / less blasé?

What constitutes a good day for me?

How / where am I finding moments of joy?

How am I coping with stress / anxiety?

What practices can I turn to when I feel overwhelmed?

What are my intentions next month? 

Who is going to support you next month?

What do I want next month to look like? 


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…


Practices to end your day…