Laura Humphreys

Laura’s Classes are:

Seamlessly choreographed sequences and hands-on adjustments are her "specialty". These adjustments assist the student in redefining the posture which enables further understanding of their own anatomy, allows them to feel the true alignment, opening new neurological pathways and builds trust in knowing they are supported so they can let go and find freedom in the posture.

When you attend a class, course, workshop or retreat with Laura, you'll be encouraged to take yourself out of your comfort zone and move through a mindfully-flowing practice that is creative, fun and challenging - without being overwhelmed..

Laura loves Yoga because:

For Laura, Yoga & Pilates has become a part of her continuous pursuit for freedom.

Coming to the mat is only a small part of her journey. It's the deeper understandings of the yogic philosophy, carrying these teachings off the mat, which reminds her to live with continuing integrity.