"It is agni (fire) alone represented by pitta which brings about good or bad effects according to its normal or abnormal state. Digestion or indigestion, vision or loss of vision, normal or abnormal body heat, complexion, courage and fear, anger and joy, bewilderment and happiness and other such pairs of opposite qualities.' Caraka Samhita
Ayurvedic Medicine is considered by many scholars to be the world's oldest and most sophisticated healing science and has its origins in ancient India beginning many thousands of years ago. It has a holistic approach to medicine, health and wellbeing designed to help people stay vibrant and healthy while realising their full human potential, union with the Divine....or the state of Yoga. Hence the reason Ayurveda is commonly referred to as Yoga's Sister Science. Pitta is the force in the body that is responsible for digestion and metabolism. It is made up predominantly of fire along with a small amount of water, its principle quality is heat and as such imbalances may produce heat in the skin.
Join Jaime for this late spring workshop (when Pitta is accumulating) to explore the qualities of this Dosha, symptoms of pitta imbalance & how it manifests in your life. We will sip on Pitta reducing Lovetea, move through a cooling, spacious Pitta reducing practice + consider technique to bring balance into your life and we move toward Summer.